August 24 / 2020 / 8:00 PM
In 2018, the artist participated in Artists and the Cultural Foundation: The Early Years, Abu Dhabi Cultural Foundation
Mahmoud Jameel Al Ramahi lives and works in Abu Dhabi, where he has been an active member of the artistic community since the 1980s – including founding and chairing Friends of Art – Abu Dhabi Cultural Society (1986-1996). He also became a founding member the Free Studio Committee at the Cultural Centre in Abu Dhabi (1986-1993). His work has been exhibited in more than 25 countries. In addition to being a practicing painter and sculptor, he holds two degrees: a BA in architecture from the Louisiana University of Architecture and a BA from the Louisiana University of Technology (USA, 1981 and 1984 respectively). He currently works as an advisor to a number of commercial, investment and industrial companies within the United Arab Emirates and the Middle East.
September 16 / 2020 / 9:00 PM
In 2018, the artist participated in Artists and the Cultural Foundation: The Early Years, Abu Dhabi Cultural Foundation
When the Cultural Foundation was first open, from 1981 to 2008, it was the centre for artistic activity in Abu Dhabi. After it closed, many of the works that were shown there were not seen again, and the groups it hosted disbanded. A spell, almost, settled over the building, and no one knew when it would be lifted.
Even now the building evokes a feeling of travelling through time. Less altered than the rest of the Qasr Al Hosn site, the Cultural Foundation opens with an exhibition of its past — Artists and the Cultural Foundation: The Early Years — that extends freely into the present, with contemporary works by historical artists, new commissions, and most excitingly, a glimpse into the variety of work that was made in the 1980s and 1990s, from sculpture to painting to works on paper, many of which have been seen before.
October 11 / 2020 / 8:00 PM
In 2018, the artist participated in Artists and the Cultural Foundation: The Early Years, Abu Dhabi Cultural Foundation
When the Cultural Foundation was first open, from 1981 to 2008, it was the centre for artistic activity in Abu Dhabi. After it closed, many of the works that were shown there were not seen again, and the groups it hosted disbanded. A spell, almost, settled over the building, and no one knew when it would be lifted.
Even now the building evokes a feeling of travelling through time. Less altered than the rest of the Qasr Al Hosn site, the Cultural Foundation opens with an exhibition of its past — Artists and the Cultural Foundation: The Early Years — that extends freely into the present, with contemporary works by historical artists, new commissions, and most excitingly, a glimpse into the variety of work that was made in the 1980s and 1990s, from sculpture to painting to works on paper, many of which have been seen before.